• The word “Chiropractic” literally means “done by hand”. Chiropractic is a complementary and alternative medicine that focuses on the spine and treatment of mechanical imbalances of the musculoskeletal and nervous systems. Chiropractors use very specific, safe, and gentle adjustments to subluxations of the spine and joints of your body to restore joint function and support the nervous system. These adjustments help to reduce any stress related interference on the nervous system caused by mechanical imbalances. By improving your structural imbalances, you are allowing for your body’s optimal ability to function and innately heal from within. In addition to adjustments, chiropractors also provide soft tissue therapies, nutritional advice, and lifestyle recommendations.

  • Everyone!!! From newborns, to pregnant women, to elderly care. I truly believe that everyone can benefit from gentle, safe, specific, nervous system centered chiropractic care.

  • Absolutely. In fact, pregnancy and pediatrics is my true passion! During pregnancy, chiropractic care focuses on the bony structures of the pelvis and associated ligaments and muscles. Using specific and gentle techniques, such as Webster Technique, we are able to help align the pelvis to allow baby to get into optimal position for labor and delivery. Additionally, we are also able to reduce pregnancy related pains, such as low back pain or sciatica, that often accompany pregnancy. Research has shown that routine chiropractic care during pregnancy has lead to decreased labor times, decreased pushing times, decreased inductions, and decreased medical interventions.

  • Short answer, YES!

    Birth is a rather traumatic event on the spine of a newborn, and it is recommended that you bring your newborn in for chiropractic realignment as soon as possible.

    Being a kid is tough business. It is a critical time when certain milestones are reached such as lifting their head, rolling over, starting to crawl, walking, or running, etc... And unfortunately kids often endure quite a few traumas along the way. Accidents happen. Misalignments happen. These misalignments can impact their little nervous systems, which can attribute to a number of issues if left untreated.

    The adjustments a newborn receives is very safe and gentle. The use of sustained contact, with no more than 5 ounces of pressure is used along the baby’s spine (roughly the amount of pressure you would use to feel ripeness of a tomato or avocado). Another safe and gentle way to adjust older babies and kids are by using an instrument assisted adjustment with a tool called an Activator.

  • A lot of people are unaware of the benefits chiropractic care can provide to babies and children. Babies and young children often have a difficult time communicating how they feel, so here are a few things to look out for:

    • Reflux/frequent spitting up/projectile spit up

    • Irritability/Colic Symptoms

    • Difficulty nursing (such as impaired sucking/swallowing/latch, clicking of the tongue, head position, only wanting to nurse on one side)

    • Gas issues or constipation

    • Balance/coordination issues

    • Delayed developmental milestones

    • Sleeping difficulty

    • Tugging or pulling at the ears

    • Special needs

    • General wellness care & maintenance

    It is important to note that chiropractic care for babies and children is very gentle and safe. And the approach to treating tiny bodies is completely different than treating an adult’s body. If you have noticed any of these symptoms in your child or have any questions, please feel free to reach out to me here.

  • Acupuncture is a very safe and effective form of complementary alternative medicine. It involves stimulating very specific points on the body and/or ear, most often with a very thin needle, to help alleviate pain and treat various health conditions. The size of an average acupuncture needle is about 1/20th the size of a standard hypodermic needle used for drawing blood.

  • Within the study of acupuncture, it is believed that disease is caused by disruptions in the flow of energy, or qi (pronounced chi), in the body. Qi energy flows through channels in the body called meridians. The purpose of acupuncture is to stimulate specific points on the body with needles, beads, or acupressure to release the disruption of qi along these meridians. According to Chinese Medical Theory, acupuncture promotes healthy circulation of blood and qi because, “where there is free flow there is no pain, where there is pain there is no free flow”. By adjusting the flow of qi, acupuncture restores the harmonious balance of the body, enabling it to heal itself.

  • When you arrive to the office a detailed history will take place along with a neuromuscular exam, complete with ranges of motion, orthopedic testing, and sensory-motor testing. Following the exam, you will receive your 1st chiropractic treatment with me (assuming no further testing or imagine is needed).

  • To be honest, I love the freedom. I love that I can practice how I want and give each patient a truly customized experience. Most insurance companies limit the number of sessions available, limit the amount paid for treatments rendered, or will not reimburse for certain treatments all together. As a result of declining reimbursements from insurance companies, doctors must see more patients or perform more procedures for their clinics to stay afloat financially. And while yes, I will get way more patients in the door if I choose to accept insurance, it’s not the kind of practice I envisioned myself having. I really want to create a personal, comfortable, and informal doctor-patient relationship where I actually get to know you! Because you are privately paying for my services, it allows me the ability to give you the best possible care that I can. Therefore, the main reasons I don’t accept insurance is because I want to be able to treat you the way I want, and not in the ways that insurance companies are willing to reimburse me. Another reason accepting insurance doesn’t work for me is because acupuncture and pediatrics are a big part of my practice. Unfortunately, insurance policies simply do not cover acupuncture or pediatric chiropractic care. Finally, working with insurance companies requires an incredible amount of time to pursue reimbursements. This is time I could use to actually be working with you face-to-face, which I find way more enjoyable!

    That being said, I really try to keep my cash prices fair and reasonable. If you have chiropractic coverage, I am always happy to provide you with documentation to get reimbursed if you’re willing to file yourself. I also accept HSA and FSA forms of payment at the office. Please view my booking site for prices and scheduling.