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  • Birth is a rather traumatic event on the spine of a newborn, and it is recommended that you bring your newborn in for chiropractic realignment as soon as possible. During growth and development, important milestones are reached such as lifting their head, rolling over, starting to crawl, walking, or running, etc... And unfortunately kids often endure quite a few traumas along the way. Accidents happen. Misalignments happen. Routine chiropractic care is essential for growing bodies.

  • Bodywork uses gentle massage, stretching, or sustained contact to help relieve imbalances through compensatory muscle tension patterns. Craniosacral Therapy (CST) is a type of bodywork technique that uses gentle pressure on the head, neck, and back to release tension and discomfort caused by compensations. The focus of CST is to promote the movement of fluids in and around the central nervous system, with the goal of enhancing the body’s natural healing abilities.

    Dr. Tiffany specializes in specific Bodywork + Craniosacral Therapy techniques designed to help promote balance in the body and optimize overall function.

  • This chiropractic treatment plan is specifically tailored for our expectant mamas and their growing needs. Using specific and gentle techniques, such as Webster Technique, we are able to help align the pelvis to allow baby to get into optimal position for labor and delivery.

  • All our chiropractic treatment plans are tailored to our patients and their specific needs. I use very specific, safe, and gentle adjustments to subluxations of the spine and joints of your body to restore joint function and support the nervous system. These adjustments help to reduce any stress related interference on the nervous system caused by mechanical imbalances.

  • This form of therapy involves stimulating very specific points on the body and/or ear, most often with a very thin needle, to help alleviate pain and treat various health conditions.

  • Graston technique is a form of manual therapy that uses medical grade stainless steel tools to find and release adhesions in the soft tissue, muscles, trigger points, and scar tissue. The clinical effects of Graston is decreased pain, increased range of motion, and improved function for acute and chronic conditions.

  • Kinesiology taping is the application of a thin, stretchy, cotton-based therapeutic tape that can benefit a wide variety of injuries and inflammatory conditions. When applied correctly by your practitioner, it helps to correct muscle tone, encourage lymphatic drainage, correct movement patterns, and improve posture.